Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home rememedies for getting rid of acne

« ...It was long believed that the ultraviolet (UV) lights of the sun can help improve problematic acne condition. This is true mainly because of the antibacterial benefits from the ultraviolet light spectrum. However, sunlight has been proven to have long-term and much serious skin damage effect, making it unsafe as an acne treatment....
...Now that the diet and personal habits have been mentioned the area of natural skin car needs to be addressed. The most popular form of natural acne skin care is the oatmeal mask. A good oatmeal mask exfoliates your skin and removes excess oils from your face. It also helps to moisturize the skin, this is critical for treating acne. Many people also recommend using natural acne solutions that are derived from avocados, apples and lemon juice, many of these will also have herbs such as tea tree oil, and sarsaparilla added to them. All have proven successful at healing damaged skin....»
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«...Another effective herbal acne treatment includes fenugreek. You can make paste out of fenugreek leaves, which you can apply on your face every night. Leave the paste on overnight then wash off with warm water the next day. Grated cucumber placed over the face and neck for 15 to 20 minutes can prevent blackheads and pimples. Other notable useful herbs for your skin are green tea, tea tree oil, lavender and golden seal. These contain anti-microbial properties that help stop and prevent infection....»
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tags: acne and oily skin treatment comparisons, how to get rid of acne for men pills, does clearasil acne medication actual work

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